Solo exhibition: Katarse

Save the date: the exhibition will open with a celebration of Ukrainian culture and activism on Friday, December 9.

The works of Katarse, may seem joyful and candy-like at first glance, but reveal themselves to be reflection of reveries and anguish. The artist reimagines the process of mourning and grief, giving them a pathway into the world of joyous memories and almost childish playfulness. Cathartic experiences that the artist carries through her name and her works are coming from personal losses, which found their ultimate escape in the eerie and luscious world of Katarse. The color palette along with the general mood is the choice to present personal experiences in every possible way simultaneously. It’s about their potential to be unfolded to the beholder in all their multifacetedness.

Exhibited works reflect the 10 months of the Russian war against Ukraine. They reflect different stages of grief, and the thought soup of a single social unit – me. Nothing more than a journey through one’s brain within a given timeframe. Divine Wrath is the beast that has been woken by the unprovoked military aggression, the wounded animal in every Ukrainian person, whose life was disturbed if not destroyed. This exhibition is about empathy, fear, love, and hate. And these paintings are my visual diary, they show the difference of what was going through my mind before and during the war.


Friday, 9th December (exhibition open from 6pm until 10pm)

6pm Opening
7pm Concert: Rostislav Mazurkevich

Saturday, 10th December (exhibition open from 3pm until 8pm)

4pm Artist talk with Katarse
6pm Reading: Lasse Jürgensen »Floristik«

Sunday, 11th December (exhibition open from 3pm until 8pm)

Виставлені роботи відображають 10 місяців війни росії проти України. Вони відображають різні стадії скорботи, а також мисленєву кашу єдиної соціальної одиниці – мене. Не що інше, як подорож власним мозком протягом певного періоду часу. Божествений Гнів – це звір, якого розбудила неспровокована військова агресія, поранена тварина в кожній українській людині, чиє життя було потривожено, якщо не знищено.

Ця виставка про співпереживання, страх, любов і ненависть. І ці картини – мій візуальний щоденник, вони показують різницю того, що відбувалося в моїй голові до війни і під час неї